Machu Picchu: The Lost Megalithic Labyrinth

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Machu Picchu: The Lost Megalithic Labyrinth

A Special Megalithic Marvels Film Series

Part I: Machu Picchu: The Secret Chamber

Mainstream archaeology declares that the Inca built Machu Picchu around 1450 A.D. However, according to the archaeological record, the Inca only possessed archaic bronze chisels and hammers. So how would they have crafted this precision mortarless architecture? Did the Inca find this megalithic architecture made thousands of years earlier, and build on top of and around it with their rough stone methods? Could this megalithic core be 10,000 years old or older? Who were these megalithic builders? What form of technology did they employ?

Read the ground-breaking investigative series “Easter Island Part: The Long-Ears, Civil War & the White-Skinned Cannibalistic Priests